Deliver 10.000 FPV Drones
450 pcs
650 pcs
Goal: 1000 pcs

Ambitious campaign to purchase, build and adapt civilian drones for Ukrainian forces. The delivery will be conducted by our partners at the Vozim Drony team, which has delivered thousands of drones to Ukraine since the beginning of the war and has become one of the leading Czech experts on the use of drones.

The goal
Drones are already revolutionizing the modern battlefield. Our goal is to bring drones, not humans, into the fight to protect the priceless lives of Ukrainian defenders by using drones for reconnaissance, defence and humanitarian purposes.

Recognising the importance of drones, russia has expanded their mass production for warfare, involving not only industrial enterprises but also technical school students and prisoners. As a result, russia by far outstrips Ukraine in the supply of FPV drones, and this disparity is becoming increasingly apparent on the battlefield.
Technical data
10 - 15 km
PC and Tablet
Skill & AI
FPV drones are First Person View drones, which means that pilots can have a live drone perspective and therefore have a better overview of the environment.

We provide the troops with ready-made and reliable products. The range of our drones has rapidly expanded from the original three kilometers up to an impressive 25 kilometers, reflecting the rapid pace of our development. Each ARCZ model is uniquely designed to perform specific roles in different operational scenarios, demonstrating the versatility and adaptability of drone technology for different mission requirements.
Meet our ARCZ family of drones:
ARCZ07-K (kamikaze)
Designed for precisely targeted missions, capable of navigating to specific locations for strategic operations. Its main function is to deliver payloads to a designated target with high precision, which is essential for operations requiring pinpoint accuracy.
ARCZ07-B (light bomber)
This light drone is capable of carrying heavier payloads and, like its sibling, the ARZ07-B is designed for precision-targeted missions and is capable of navigating to specific locations for strategic operations.
ARCZ09 (automated delivery system)
Specialized in deploying heavier payloads, the ARCZ09 is equipped with an automated system for dropping supplies.
It is particularly useful for missions that require delivery of materials to remote or hazardous locations without risking personnel.
ARCZ10 (Polednice - heavy bomber)
This bomber can carry and deploy multiple payloads over target areas, making it ideal for larger tactical missions. It combines payload capacity with flight precision to efficiently perform under any weather.
ARCZ13 (aircraft model)
Number 13 stands out for its enhanced flight capabilities and increased durability. Reminiscent of a traditional aircraft, it is built for longer missions and offers stability and reliability in a variety of conditions. Its aerodynamic design allows for very efficient navigation.
Transport and handover
Our team builds drones and buys accessories based on the requests that come to us directly from Ukrainian defending units.
Each request is carefully reviewed, evaluated and we try to meet the needs of the most needy first.

For the evaluation, we work with local Ukrainian organizations and individuals who know the current events and situation very well.

Because we know what's on the line, we try to have drones ready ahead of time so we can send or personally deliver the drones as soon as possible.
Lastly, thanks to our efficient processes, the drones are delivered directly to the units in need.
About the fundraiser
RDPANEK LABS s.r.o. with its registered office at Tovární 257/9, 460 10 Liberec X - Františkov, who announced, pursuant to Act No. 117/2001 Coll., the holding of a public collection "Drones for volunteers in Ukraine"
Protect the skies of Ukraine
More information
How to volunteer
How to become a volunteer?
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